Last week on Wednesday one of the activities on our contract was to make poppies for ANZAC day. I decided to make a wreath because at the ANZAC dawn parade we take a wreath up and then lay our poppies down. But before all that happens we sing the Australian, New Zealand, national anthem and then the last post, in the middle of the last post someone says "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old, Age shall no weary them, nor the years condemn, We Will Remember Them". We then finish the song and then march back into the RSA and the memorial gathering finishes. But that unfortunately didn't happen due to lock down, so we had to stand at our gate and preform the memorial ceremony. So we got up at 5:00 am went outside and had our own little ceremony, people started to come out and stand at there gates and listen to the national anthems and the last post. After that we went back inside and watched some TV channels based on ANZAC day theme and listened to what the people were saying on why we celebrate ANZAC day and the history behind what ANZAC means, it means Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.