In Tui class we have been creating art by Sandra Silberzweig,
we are near the end of our art but I'm going to take you through it all. So first we started off with doing patterns and mixing colours on a sheet of paper with shapes all over them.
Then we watched a video to give us ideas to do on our own art, the man in the art told us that we had to make the nose really big and the lips really big and the eyes really big. Then Mrs Cutler gave us A4 paper to start on our draft. Mrs Cutler told us that it was gonna take a while to finish our art.
Mrs Cutler then gave us a piece of A3 paper and we had to expand so that our draft so that it would fit the entire A3 piece of paper and we were determined to get this task looking amazing. After we did our pencil line we got the brushes Indian ink and went all over our pencil lines the lines that we wanted to do really thin lines we used square's and for the thick line we used really, really, thick brushes.
It took us a cupple days to do it but we had finished within three days after that it was the fun part the chork pastels.
We had to put a piece of scrap paper in the middle of the table because when you use the chork pastels it leaves powder that we had to dust off. We had to use the colour wheel to make the blending pop. After such hard work this is how they turned out.